Trim Trails – A Simple Tool to Keep Kids around the Block Active

A recent study explored the effects of exercise on children’s mental health. It randomly assigned 56 children with the following school sessions –

Sitting throughout the morning.

Participating in one 20 minute session of physical activity after 90 minutes of classroom study.

Engaging in two 20 minute physical activity bouts, one when the day began, and another after 90 minutes since then.

Kids who were involved in two rounds of morning exercise performed better in tests than the control group of sedentary children. These tests were on attention abilities.

Moreover, the effects of short term exercise on children with ADHD turned out to be quite positive as well.

So, there's no doubt that kids can benefit a lot from regular exercising. Kids especially enjoy activities that involve a ton of moving around, fun challenges and creative movements. All you need to do is set up an environment, where they can be themselves and explore with freedom. Setups like Trim Trails for School helps precisely with that.

Why are Trim Trails Ideal for Children?

Trim trails are effective in encouraging children to engage in physical activities that develop fitness, balance, strength and coordination. Comprising of a variety of frames made of wood, these open structures allow children the freedom they need to explore their ideas of playing. Kids can be often found helping each other navigate their way around these obstacles.

Endless Possibilities of Play with Trim Trails

By setting up a trim trail in your school, crèche, daycare, or community park premises, you provide the children with an imaginative playtime. They experience a sense of adventure around these setups.

When installing trim trails, you can either go for a readymade setup or a Custom Trim Trail to suit the available area and the types of activities.

Premier Play Solutions sells a variety of readymade set-ups of Trim Trails for School. They also sell structures required to build a custom trail, such as –

Beam, weave, net, and rope traverse

Jigsaw traverse walls

Log rolls and drop ropes

Balance beam

Stepping logs

Wobble bridge

Cross rope

Timber log climber

Jigsaw traverse panels

Tarzan ring beam and many more.

Don’t have the time or space to install an elaborate arrangement?

Not a problem; pre-built trim trails are also available and benefits children quite well.

Tri Play

A trim trail designed in a triangular form, a tri play is an ideal paraphernalia for halls or a school’s backyard. The traversing structure is suitable for smaller spaces.

Play Frames

These are rectangular arrangements which enable children to play around the equipment and not necessarily follow a linear path. Compared to tri-play these are a lot larger and are perfect when looking for a set up to replace the traditional climbing within a limited footprint.

Encouraging the children in your community and schools to play outdoors more often is a responsibility. By doing so, you help them to develop better motor skills and cognitive functions. Custom Trim Trail and play frames are a great option to accommodate the interests of all kinds. Pre-arranged play frames are great as well.

So, establish a solid foundation for the kids today, help them to be physically and mentally fit with Trim Trail Equipment.

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